September 24, 2014

Programming Alert; Do Not Watch This!

Tomorrow night, Thursday September 25th, Derek "Mr November" Jeter plays his last home game at New Yankee Stadium.  Just remember this, using a colloquialism that sycophants of the Bronx Bombers regularly employ; Jeet sux!

You don't have to take my word for it, and The Incomparable Joe Wilhelm doesn't.  Give Keith Olbermann 7 minutes of your time in which he will, rather curiously, use similar metrics and make similar arguments that were made here back in February.  I just didn't rely on cool graphics or cheap Jon Stewart/Daily Show imitations.

And since 97.7% of Heavy Artillery readership consists of Elizabeth Warren '16 campaign donors here is visual incentive to forgo tomorrow night's Jeet slobberfest:

Roll the credits

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