September 18, 2015

The Most Anticipated Sci-Fi Event Of The Year

The interwebs have in recent months been abuzz with palpable excitement and eager - bordering on fanatical - anticipation, fueled by widely-viewed YouTube trailers, for the return of the greatest franchise in the history of science fiction!

Greater than Superman.
Greater than The Twilight Zone.
Greater than The Brown Hornet.

Wait a minute.  Did you think this was about Star Wars; The Force Awakens?

This Saturday night on BBC America (and elsewhere worldwide; check your global listings), Doctor Who returns for it's 52nd year!  Here is the trailer that has everyone talking.  I mean everyone. [Note: The preceding claim does not in fact mean to imply or suggest and should not be construed as being understood to mean every living person on this planet.]

For those few of you, a nearly imperceptibly small number, who missed last season here and here and here and here and here are just a few brief examples of what you missed which undoubtedly will whet your appetite!

Inexplicably, almost incomprehensively, in all probability you therefore missed:

This Doctor, and
This Doctor, and
This Doctor, and
This Doctor, and
This Doctor, and
This Doctor, and
This Doctor, and
This Doctor, and
This Doctor, and
This Doctor, and
This Doctor, and
This Doctor, and
This Doctor.

Roll the credits!

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