June 24, 2016

Prophecy Thy Name Is Nigel

In those halcyon days of my college yesteryear, more than 20 years ago, I submitted a paper for a 200-level political science class proctored by Professor Forgette - a close and personal friend of long-time subscriber Dr Phat Daddy - putting forth an iron-clad thesis on the certain failure of what we then referred to as the EEC and what since has transmogrified into the EU.

Big Jeff will be surprised and disappointed to know that I was unable to locate for purpose of sharing here this sacred document amongst my extensive archive.  What my paper proved in brief; While cultural and societal differences among the constituent parties would be an obvious and irritating pressure, the disparate historical precepts of government and governance would be just the second-most serious point of ultimate disunion whereas the primary force for dissolution would be the crushing economic burden which failing European states would place on those fellow European states tasked with keeping the entire misguided apparatus afloat.

As the Iron Lady Margaret Thatcher herself was known to assert at various times and with subtle variance, "The problem with socialism is that eventually you run out of other people's money to spend."  [For further reference on the subject, see Venezuela.]

In the decades since, the EEC-cum-EU has morphed into a crypto-communist totalitarian bureaucratic regime the kind of which would appeal to the crypto-communist Islamists in our own country's administration, up to and including our Islamist-in-Chief BHO.  How else to explain our President's position against independence for Great Britain?  This is the country in which independence forms a bedrock core of its citizens' DNA.... or at least it did until multiple generations of oppressive Great Society so-called reforms have collectively turned us into Mitt Romney's 47% of dependent brain-dead spiritless slugs (that wasn't his terminology, was it?).

Oft over the past few years where and when appropriate I have linked here on the digital pages of Heavy Artillery assorted video clips of UKIP party leader Nigel Farage assailing the EU right from the lion's den in Brussels.  This was done also, in part, to assuage my own discontent with a Republican Party recently bereft of anything resembling principle or a fighting spirit.  One loyal subscriber to HA once referred to Farage in a private back-channel email as "a loon."  Nigel Farage is a visionary with his finger directly on the pulse of England's man on the street, he is the true and righteous prophet for English sovereignty and the chief bulwark against the Euro-Leftist drive for Liberal fascistic dictatorial control.

Behold the prophecy

Roll the credits!

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