October 26, 2013

The October Flimsy Pretext

On routine patrol this past week in the MINI Cooper Mobile Tactical Unit I encountered the bovine jailbreak pictured below:

This calf realized the grass really is greener on the other side.

On the 17th I spent part of an evening stuffing my face at The Olive Garden:

I had the whole establishment to myself so I spent much of my meal sending photos of my sumptuous culinary selections to Jude.  He was jealous.

My favorite annual publication is the Daily Racing Form's Breeders' Cup Advance.  The Old Master of the Turf picked up my copy today:

Yes.  I will spend dozens of hours over the coming week studying the Form and will joyously treasure every quiet minute.

While You Were Out... for the past 50 years!

The foregoing was, mostly, pretext to get to today's Doctor Who video clips.  Tomorrow, for those of you who may be blighted by a Professional League of American Rules Football (PLARF) blackout of F.C. Bengals, you may find more enlightening entertainment on BBC America beginning at noon on Sunday in the form of a Doctor Who marathon featuring the Tenth Doctor.  Below you will find selected highlights from Series 3 (2007).

Series 3, Xmas (2006) Episode "The Runaway Bride."

Series 3, Episode 7 "42."

Series 3, Episode 9 "The Family of Blood."

Series 3, Episode 9a "The Family of Blood."

Series 3, Episode 10 "Blink."

Series 3, Episode 11 "Utopia."

Series 3, Episode 13 "Last of the Time Lords."

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