May 22, 2014

From The Miscellaneous Android File

After the previous, epic-length post ("All Kentucky, All Of The Time" [below]), I thought it would be magnanimous of me to give you a break this week and simply share some few of the recent, random photos taken with my R2 Android unit.

For those of you wondering why Joey Votto was having such a miserable season, I have the answer!  I discovered that the former National League MVP had been captured by two little green aliens- disguised as Reds personnel - and imprisoned in a Steak 'n Shake grab-a-toy/claw machine.  Evidently Mr Peanut was captured in a failed attempt to free Votto.


More flowers!

Outside the flower emporium, storm clouds were threatening:

Inside the flower emporium, propaganda was threatening from the magazine rack:


For some real truth in advertising, I spied this vanity plate on a MINI Cooper S on Colerain Ave:

Roll the credits!

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