May 1, 2015

The Handlebar at GABP; Part 3 - The Ugly

As stated previously, Lou and I arrived at the ballpark on Saturday at about 12:30pm, nearly 45 minutes prior to the scheduled first pitch.  As that afternoon's rain delay stretched into its 2nd, then 3rd, then 4th hours, Lou and I could be excused for inventing means of distracting ourselves:

One of the ways we passed the time included taking photographs:

Here (above) is a photo of Lou returning from a visit to the Gents, mere minutes after Paul O'Neill ducked in.  Or was it hours after Paulie?  Time gradually distorted during Saturday's interminable rain delay.  Spying my mischief, Lou struck a pose:

Following the conclusion of ceremonies honoring the Wire-to-Wire Reds of 1990, the folks in the scoreboard treated fans to a documentary about the 1990 Reds.  Then an MLB Network Hall of Fame weekend interview of Bench, Perez and Morgan.  Then, keeping in theme with the '90 reunion weekend, a 2010 GABP post-game concert by MC Hammer.  Yes.  That MC Hammer:

In thrall of rain delay madness, I tilted my cap at a jaunty Yo! MTV Raps angle and embraced the spirit of the times:

The drunks standing nearby thought this was hilarious.  Because I'm 2 Legit 2 Quit, I threw a lil' Bomb Squad action at 'em (below):

I don't think Rosie Red at left knew she was filling in for Kuertz' half of my tribute to our Bomb Squad role in the 1990 THS talent show act.  BDDMC stands for Big Dave Devastating Mic Control.

I think some of you got a little worn out by all the Led Zeppelin references included in the Heavy Artillery recap of Opening Day.  I'm sure you're relieved to not be subjected to any more Reds/Zep citations.  It must be exhausting:

Oh no you didn't! 

Dude was sporting a replica concert t-shirt from the 1977 North American tour which stopped in Cincinnati on April 19 & 20 of that year, performing at Riverfront Coliseum both nights.  The Big Red Machine had an off day April 19th.  The next night, Wednesday April 20, concurrent to Zeppelin rocking the neighboring Coliseum, the Reds lost to the hated Los Angeles Dodgers 3-1 at Riverfront Stadium.  Don Sutton threw a complete game victory for the Dodgers, Fred Norman pitched 7 innings and took the loss for the Reds.  Boxscore here.  The 1977 Zeppelin tour was in support of the Presence album which featured the greatest-ever Led Zeppelin song.

A stand-up comedian of some alleged fame once made a career founded upon variants of a joke beginning You might be a redneck if.....  Well, you might be experiencing an epic rain delay if the home team begins showing Bugs Bunny cartoons.

And you know - you just know - I took a photo of the Roebling Suspension Bridge.

The river was high, the current was swift.  Minimal boat traffic navigated the mighty Ohio River that afternoon.  Checking The Weather Channel's mobile site during the rain delay, the temperature dipped to 43 degrees with a "feels like 36" addendum.  A very raw day indeed.

At about 4:30pm, thinking the game as regularly scheduled would have by then been over and they'd have been heading for home, some few of the Reds faithful in The Handlebar vamoosed.  Finally, after about 4 hours on our feet, Lou and I had a table at which to rest our weary Nikes.  For posterity, I took a photograph of where we'd been standing all those hours:

I used the Caution: Wet Floor traffic cone you see at far right as a barrier against incursion into our little nook (just out of frame, at right).   Approximately 20 minutes after we sat down at our table, the Reds lowered the postponement boom on us:

It would have been nice to watch the game on that wall of video behind the bar.  Fans promptly evacuated The Handlebar.


Lou axed if we, too, should vacate the premises.  My response; "For what we paid to get in here, we're not leaving until security insists we disappear."  #redsfanslivesmatter  I circumnavigated The Handlebar taking a few last photos of the bar's expansive views:


Exiting, some 5 hours after we first arrived, Lou and I saw graphic evidence of the Horseshoe Casino's sponsorship of The Handlebar on the exterior of the elevator doors:

And Pete Rose is still banned.

Roll the credits!

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